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Our Services
We offer comprehensive pest management solutions for industrial, commercial and domestic clients.

- Termites cause sleepless nights for thousands of home and property Owners across Australia.
- Termites cause millions of dollars worth of damage every year.
- Termite prevention is the smart approach to protect your asset.
- We help you understand and select the best termite prevention or treatment based on your circumstances.
- We provide termite inspections, eradication ( nest destruction ), barrier treatments and ongoing monitoring.
- We provide services for industrial, commercial and domestic clients.
All our work is guaranteed to give you peace of mind.

- Spiders are like an unwelcome house guest. They were never invited and then refuse to leave.
- Spiders can pose a serious health threat as many are poisonous and may cause serious illness.
- Choose from our comprehensive and effective treatments against spiders.
- The average treatment is quicker than doing your shopping, usually taking about 1.5 hours to complete.
- We treat inside and outside the home or premises, unless the customer indicates otherwise.
- All products used are safe for you, your family and your pets.
- All our work is fully guaranteed.

- Ants are like silent invaders, can just be plain annoying and equally difficult to eradicate.
- Using homemade remedies or those bought from the local hardware store are not effective for all species of ant.
- You think they are gone and then they reappear in your pantry, sink, office, or bathroom.
- Save yourself a lot of time, money and effort and get the job done right from the beginning.
- We provide an effective solution that works.

- Wasps are a common issue across our state.
- Farmers, however, love them as they kill many of the pests that destroy crops.
- In the home, they are surplus to requirements.
- They can cause expensive damage to walls and roofs.
- Wasps pose a risk to your family especially if disturbed by a child, adult, or pet.
- Many people confuse bees and wasps until they get stung as a wasp can sting multiple times, one after the other.
- The removal of wasps is permanent.

Rats and Mice
- Rats and mice are not just a nuisance but they also pose a health threat to humans.
- Rats carry many diseases that can also transfer to humans, some of which can be fatal.
- For every rat seen there will be 6 baby rats hiding somewhere in a nest.
- Within 3 weeks 6 babies will be producing their own offspring.
- Easy to see how a property can become overrun with an infestation.

- Many people are not aware that Possums are a protected species in Australia.
- Possums, while cute when living in a tree, are not so cute when living in the roof of your property.
- Possums cause major damage to roof cavities, internal walls, and ceiling by chewing, scratching, and depositing pools of urine.
- In a home or an office, the urine smell can render that room or area unusable.
- Sometimes they may keep you awake during the night with their activities and noise.
- We never destroy possums, but we do trap them and release them again.
- Blocking of all identified entry points is essential to eliminate any future re-entry.

- Cockroaches are no joke.
- They can pose a serious health risk to humans.They can even cause allergies in children.
- They are fast and prolific breeders, one female German cockroach will carry an egg sac containing 50 eggs hence, a property can become overrun extremely quickly. One roach quickly becomes hundreds.
- Our commercial and industrial clients know how important effective cockroach control and prevention really is, as their business depends on it!
- Cockroaches are extremely resilient and can survive without food for 40 days, They can also successfully reproduce without a head for 40 days.
- Due to the nature of the cockroach breeding cycle, varying products and approaches are required to fully eradicate the cockroaches at each breeding stage. This will also provide an effective ongoing management strategy.

- Although very tiny these are not the most pleasant of insects.
- Bedbugs can find a home not only in a bed or mattress, but also carpets, wall cavities, electrical outlets, furniture, wardrobes and many more hiding places.
- Throwing out your mattress will not get rid of the problem.
- Bedbugs need a host and therefore bite people as they require a blood meal to reproduce.
- Bites quickly become inflamed and infected and as a result, some people require hospitalisation.
- The most common place to find bed bugs is bedsits , youth hostels, motels and some hotels.
- It is not uncommon to have a backpacker child return home not realising they have a hitchhiker in their bag or on their clothing.
- Treatments can be extensive and as is the case with cockroaches, they also require a variety of products to eradicate them successfully.
- Fun fact-a bedbug egg can lay dormant for 9 months waiting for the correct temperature and humidity.
- Act quickly if you believe you have bedbugs.

- Birds can be a health risk to humans in specific locations.
- They carry diseases in their faeces and also mites in their feathers.
- Their faeces is corrosive and causes metal to rust.
- Birds most commonly nest in roof cavities, downpipes and verandah roofs to name just a few.
- Birds can cause noise nuisance especially when feeding their young and there is often a bad odour associated with nesting birds.
- Birds nesting in roof cavities will also attract rats and mice into the roof to eat the eggs or chicks.
- Treatment starts with the removal of the full nest, treating of the nest area to kill the bird mites and blocking all entry points.

Other Crawlies
We also provide treatments for fleas, millipedes, silverfish, moths,slaters, earwigs and many more.